Tuesday, July 8, 2008

this may be a reason for dsl

Well, I finally got around to this one and now I have a real reason for dsl. OverDrive looks like it could have lots of uses, but in order to use it at home, we would definitely require dsl or some other high speed access. Since we are on the outskirts of a service area, we still don't have this advantage.

This is definitely a tool that is available to the haves and is one more way to differentiate between those who do and those don't have. The have nots can't take advantage of this service from their local library since we don't yet provide the ability to download on public computers. So once again, the question of social equity pops up to the surface. So as to the things I don't like, well I don't like the fact that the library system offers this to some of its users but it is not available to those whose only computer it the one at their local library. I understand that this may be changing but for now it comes up on the negative balance sheet.

So...I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other; the selection was okay, I was surprised by the selection of authors.

Still, would I really use it if I spent the money for dsl and could? Probably not. I still like to hold a book in my hands and look at the pictures. I don't have my own computer at work so I couldn't be listening to a book while I slaved away on an excel spread sheet, and it isn't really useful for my home application. It is nice to know about it though. However, I learned more from a coworker while I was trying to figure things out than I got from the FAQs or any of the instructions. Guess I'm just a little dense.

As to the adventure of this segment, after looking at the first 100 or so titles, then switching to the music then the video, I would need several hours to plow through all that is available. I found the search option less than effective or helpful, so for me it meant looking at each entry and that was an adventure, but I finally had to quit before I found anything that really interested me.

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